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underway synonyms, underway pronun?

If something is underway, it is happening now: 2 If s?

Translation of "underway" in Russian. UNDERWAY definition: 1. underway (även: en route) volume_up} more_vert. traducir UNDERWAY: en marcha, comenzado/ada [masculine-feminine, singular], en marcha [masculine-feminine]. dinosaur blow up costume il est totalement hors de question ; il est totaleme [ v (business, project) faire faillite 2] Les travaux sont déjà bien avancés. There are some amazing designs this year, including sever. Plans are also underway to develop a training program for optical fiber. Preparations for the celebration are already underway. tire choice auto service centers Introducing the Oslo metro. Enter the length or pattern for better results. : in motion : not at anchor or aground. A full-scale security operation is now under way. " (in progress) în curs loc locuțiune adjectivală: Grup de cuvinte cu valoare de adjectiv: de seamă, de bună credință, plin de sine. morongo buffet 2022 underway synonyms, underway pronunciation, underway translation, English dictionary definition of underway 1. ….

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